Members of Cilla Tech Park participate in Manna Bootcamp


(Image: Reprodution Manna)

On May 6 and 7, at Expoingá, the MannaAgro BootCamp for Primary II and Secondary School students and the Manna Galaxies Bootcamp for public school teachers were held. Among the more than 300 participants were members of the Innovation ecosystem of Guarapuava.

Manna, based at the State University of Maringá, is the largest teaching, research, extension, and innovation ecosystem in Internet of Things (IoT) and Robotics in the state of Paraná and one of the largest in Brazil. Besides these topics, they also research the Internet of Drones (IoD), Computer Brain Interface (CBI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), smart environments and things, urban computing, and games. Bootcamps are intensive, immersive training events focused on a particular area, usually in technology. For the Manna Ecosystem, this model is a great way to teach and stimulate children, youth and adults to want to learn.

For Cilla Tech Park, Guest Advisor Paulo Alvim participated as an evaluator on the first day and followed the activities with the teachers on Sunday. According to Paulo, Manna works with technologies in an expanded way, with disruptive technologies, and uses a methodology focused on entrepreneurship and the startup model. The participants are divided into teams and are given challenges to search for and build solutions, and at the end they present a Pitch (a quick presentation to convey the essence of an idea, product, or project in a clear and convincing way).

“Manna integrates all these toolsets, but with one feature: in a very fast time. A good part of the people who come to these workshops have never used this tool, so they have the shock of the tool, the shock of the challenge, and the shock of delivery, because they have to leave there with something concrete, tangible, and the results always exceed expectations,” says Paulo.

Members of the CTP Innovation Barn also participated. For the Maker Analyst from Celeiro, Jhonnathan Ferreira, it was interesting to participate in the event because Manna thinks about technology for educational use. “They talked about the projects they develop there and how to have another look to use in education the gamification part, the binary number part, and how to put this in the school. We are already thinking about school 4.0 and school 5.0 and not just mechanizing the education system, but having the effective participation of the student, learning how these technologies have changed the world and how they modify his life and how he can use these technologies in his daily life”, she concludes.

According to the Educational Advisor of Celeiro, Isabela Edling, the experience was important to get to know and connect with an outside ecosystem and bring new perspectives to Guarapuava and the region. It is with this goal that Cilla Tech Park participates in events of other innovation ecosystems, to add knowledge and be able to provide society with better futures.

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