Nevalley begins the construction of its Strategic Planning


2nd meeting at 3CPlus

Nevalley, Guarapuava’s startup community, was created in the first quarter of 2018, with the aim of bringing together people who were looking for news for the region, to foster the city’s economic development. The name chosen means snowy valley and refers to the period when it snowed in Guarapuava. The movement was built with startups of the time and persisted until the middle of the pandemic. However, as at the time the ecosystem was not so strong and there were few startups in the city, the movement was weakening.

In 2019, the startup Heverson Pereira, with his company residing in the CTP, began to participate in the actions to strengthen the innovation ecosystem and started the development of his startups. When he discovered the existence of the community, he began the search to rebuild the community. Together with old members, new ones and partners, Heverson mobilized Guarapuava’s startups and rekindled Nevalley’s flame.

“The first thing every organization needs to do is understand its motives. I talked to the former Nevalley participants […] and they did not have a Strategic Planning until then and what is strategic planning for? It is exactly for us to understand what we are, where we are and where we are going and plan actions for that”, explained Heverson.

In order to establish the mission, the objectives and to make Nevalley an active community that supports regional development, the meetings for the creation of the Strategic Planning have started. To this end, Nevalley is holding a three-month cycle of meetings to align visions and define actions.

The first meeting was hosted at Cilla Tech Park because, according to Heverson, the CTP is currently Nevalley’s home. “There is no way to talk about Nevalley without talking about several partners such as CTP, Sebrae, Gav Conecta from RPC, university incubators, among others and without them there is no Nevalley.”, added Pereira.

With the mediation of Professor Dr. Marcos de Castro, representative of Sebrae, Nevalley members and partners began to work on the main points to direct the work of the community. “We hope to align individual thoughts in a collective purpose through cooperation. So the planning, at this moment, has this purpose of understanding to what extent we are sharing the same values, to align ideas and at the end of the work the idea is to have an action plan in terms of medium and long term for Nevalley “, commented the professor.

For Henrique Amorim, one of the founders of Nevalley, the current scenario is opportune for the restructuring of the community: “There are many startups emerging and the importance is to have someone to help in this process, to help connect with other like-minded people, to help these companies grow and also to think about the long-term economic issue, in the creation of new businesses”, he commented.

Adding knowledge and change is a point commented by the Nevalley team: “This is a resignification, it is what we learned by visiting other ecosystems, that we are resignifying the community and not changing it, it remains a startup community, but perhaps now with other objectives.”, said Heverson.

“This is the moment of restructuring. It is […] finding people who want to generate this movement, who have the same purpose. That is, those who have innovation businesses and want to get together, help each other and generate movement in our ecosystem, so that we can have strength and longevity “, concluded Henrique.

To participate in the movement, contact Cilla Tech Park to be referred to Nevalley or send a message on Instagram @_nevalley.  

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